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Corporate Governance

Forlabels stands by its customers with the goal of helping them differentiate themselves in the market and inspiring them to view packaging from a new perspective.

Its philosophy is based on:

  • Building stable and long-term relationships of trust and cooperation with its clients.
  • Constantly seeking differentiation, improvement, and innovation to ensure exceptionally high standards in the solutions it offers.
  • Commitment to innovation and cutting-edge packaging applications.
  • Implementing processes that lead to the desired printing results.
  • Ensuring consistent quality in all printing processes.
  • Striving to always meet customer needs by offering valuable advice and high-level services.

Forlabels SA, from its very first steps, has pursued strong differentiation through a philosophy that puts the customer at the centre, business ethics and trust in people and their potential.

Aware of its role and responsibilities in the industry in which it operates and in society at large, the company has made Corporate Social Responsibility an integral and key element of its strategic planning and implements policies and procedures to produce quality and safe products and sustainable development.

Forlebals SA is committed to the following: 
– Responsible operation with high ethical values and improvement of the – Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy.
– Support and develop its people by ensuring a safe , conducive and non-discriminatory working environment.
– Contributing to the society in which it operates.
– Adopting environmentally friendly practices.

READ MORE on Corporate & Social Responsibility Policy


The main concern and overall objective of our Policy is the continuous improvement of our business performance, while creating added value for our customers, taking advantage of the rapid technological developments in the dynamic field of labels and flexible packaging.

The framework for goal setting and the forlabels philosophy are based on:
The constant search for diversity, improvement and disruption in order to ensure exceptionally high standards in the solutions it offers.

In the rigorous application of processes that lead to consistent quality and safe printing results. In the creation of stable and long-term relationships of trust and cooperation with its customers.

To achieve the above, forlabels has developed and implements a Integrated Quality and Food Safety Management System, in accordance with the principles of the International Standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018. The Company’s Management has identified the threats and opportunities related to its proper and effective operation and is committed to:

– meeting applicable requirements related to its products and food safety, including legislative and regulatory requirements and mutually agreed with the customer requirements related to food safety and quality.
– understanding the needs and expectations of its customers and any interested party in general.
– the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Food Quality and Safety System 
– managing all customer complaints in a respectful, professional, efficient and fair manner.
– promoting Sustainable Packaging and supply chain awareness, with the aim of adapting to climate change and ensuring food quality and safety.
– communicating the objectives to employees and encouraging staff to participate and contribute to continuous improvement and raising awareness of food safety among staff.
– the dissemination and establishment of a good food safety culture among the company’s staff.

Forlabels provides the necessary resources for the smooth, efficient and effective operation of the company and the System and ensures that its quality policy is understood, implemented and adhered to at all levels of its organisation, by informing its managers and systematically monitoring its operation.       

The Integrated Management System shall be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and compatibility with the company’s strategic orientation.

This is communicated to all levels of the company and made available to relevant stakeholders.


The operating context of forlabels, which is active in the design, production and sales of labels and flexible packaging materials, is based on the preservation of the environment as an integral part of good and socially responsible behaviour of a company.

Forlabels is committed to the implementation of Environmental Management System, as part of the Integrated Management System and in accordance with the principles of ISO 14001: 2015 throughout its operation, aiming to minimize the impact of its activities on the environment.

Top Management of the company has identified the threats and opportunities related to its proper, efficient and environmentally friendly operation and is committed to:

– protecting the environment and preventing pollution.
– producing and marketing of environmentally friendly products which have been manufactured and operated in accordance with the principles of ecological design.
– full compliance with the provisions of the current Greek and European legislation.
– recognize the environmental aspects resulting from the exercise of its activities, identifying those that may have significant environmental impacts and taking all necessary measures to prevent and deter the environmental impacts that may be caused by its environmental aspects.
– the appropriate management of the waste generated by its operation.
setting environmental objectives and implementing programmes to achieve them.
– mitigating the impact of and adapting to climate change.
the rational use of natural and energy resources and the use of equipment and means of new, environmentally friendly technology wherever feasible.
– monitoring the parameters of its operation that may affect the environment, in order to ensure compliance with the permissible emission limits laid down in the legislation in force.
– supporting the participation and continuous environmental training of all employees

We aim to continuously improve our environmental performance and reduce the environmental footprint of our operations.

To achieve the above objectives, the Management provides the necessary resources for the proper, efficient and effectiveoperation of the company and the System.

The Environmental Management System, as part of the Integrated Management System, is reviewed periodically for completeness and effectiveness, modified whenever necessary and at the same time communicated to the staff.


This policy establishes the basic principles and procedures governing the procurement of goods and services, ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial resources allocated. The term ‘procurement’ means any expenditure relating to the purchase or provision of goods, services, raw materials, equipment, rental of cars, real estate, participation in seminars, partnerships with maintenance, security, cleaning, etc.

The company’s aim is to ensure that the company’s supplies and partnerships are carried out in such a way that:
– Select suppliers and partners that fully comply with the applicable laws and regulations.
– Only suppliers and partners who are committed to meeting the company’s requirements and who are identified in the Consolidated Management System are selected.
– Suppliers and Partners to be selected after evaluation and to be able to provide guarantees for the quality and reliability of their products and services.
– Sufficiently ensure traceability of the items supplied so that the company can at any time identify the exact means used in specific shipments.  
– To ensure the confidentiality of the company’s and the Customers’ business and commercial data including the handling itself since the transport includes dangerous goods.
– All suppliers and partners to be treated equally in a professional and ethical manner.  
– Support the principle of competition, avoiding over-reliance on a single supplier.  

General principles & measures to avoid bribery 

Forlabels, is committed to purchasing materials and services only from suppliers that it has approved according to defined criteria documented in the SOP-09 SUPPLIER EVALUATION procedure and that meet legal, food safety and market requirements.

The following should be ensured within the operation of the procurement system:
– Safeguarding the interests of the company: expediency of expenditure, financial terms, fulfilment of specifications, promptness of response and reliability of the partner, guarantees, etc. 
– Identification of specific specifications as defined by the units involved in order to meet their operational needs.
– Exclusion or discontinuation of cooperation with suppliers who use practices aimed at obtaining preferential management. 
– It is not permitted to accept gifts from suppliers, other than those of low value and of an etiquette nature. 
– Avoid developing a personal relationship with suppliers which may affect the fairness of the process.
– Confidentiality and confidentiality conditions to be respected by the executives involved.
– Staff members who have personal interests that may be in conflict with the interests of the company, or have close family members who have such interests, to abstain from the evaluation and approval processes for cooperation or occasional transactions, stating the reason for the impediment in a timely manner.

Forlabels is committed to acting without the undue influence of bribery and corruption. Bribes or other illegal direct or indirect gifts or payments are prohibited under the Company’s Code of Conduct and Procurement Policy.


Forlabels, wishing to contribute to the development of young people, has established an Educational Visits Policy at its factory.

Educational visits are targeted at groups of primary and secondary school students and higher education students and are arranged after arrangement between the group coordinator and the company.

Scope of visits

The aim of the visits is educational and concerns the guided tour of the forlabels premises and the acquaintance of the visitors with the activities carried out, the labelling, the industrial area and the way the company operates.

Time, duration and schedule of the visit

The timing, duration and schedule of the visit are determined according to the composition and age of the group. 

The visits take place during the months of October to April. Group visits are not carried out during periods when staff leave is normally taken (summer period, Easter, Christmas), holidays, and days when due to other commitments the company considers that it is unable to meet.

Group size and number of accompanying teachers

It is possible to have a group of up to 25 visitors per visit to the factory premises. Each group must be accompanied by at least two adults (if students) from the school’s teaching staff or one (1) accompanying member of the institution’s teaching staff (if students).

Obligations of accompanying teachers

Accompanying teachers are responsible for the team’s timely arrival at the factory and departure within the agreed time frame. 

Accompanying teachers are responsible for maintaining the quiet and safety rules that apply to all visitors from students/students within the factory.
As an indication, chaperones must inform their students in advance that during their visit and stay on the factory premises:

– no food or drink may be carried or consumed,
– the use of mobile phones or other personal electronic devices is not permitted,
– the use of mobile phones, mobile phones, mobile devices, mobile phones or other electronic devices may not be used in the premises of the company,
– touch any machinery or material used in the factory,
– they must comply with the instructions of the factory staff.

In case one or more students have any special needs, the accompanying teachers are obliged to inform the Plant Manager in time to take the necessary measures (access issues, safety issues, etc.).

If the plant considers that the visit of the group of pupils/students causes any safety issue for the staff, the products produced or even the visitors themselves, it may stop the visit and ask the chaperones to leave the group immediately.

Arranging an educational visit

Interested education teachers can send a request for an expression of interest to the company’s e-mail address. The Company will contact the interested party within three (3) working days for all relevant arrangements.  Submission of an application does not imply confirmation of the visit. 

The Company shall ensure that appropriate support staff are available during the visits to provide the required guidance/guide to the visitors and to inform them of the safety rules they must observe.

Quality Assurance

At forlabels, quality assurance is based on the implementation of an Integrated Management System, the involvement of personnel in continuous improvement, and investment in modern technological equipment.

Consistent implementation of procedures leads to meeting the required standards and producing products of consistent quality.

As part of its continuous improvement efforts, forlabels is open to receiving feedback and comments from all interested parties regarding the products and services it offers.


Forlabels is committed to managing all customer improvement suggestions and complaints with professionalism and efficiency.

It is recommended that submissions be made via email to the Client Service representative responsible for each customer.

The collection and management of these suggestions and complaints are handled by forlabels’ Quality Assurance department.

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