On Friday May 12, 2023, forlabels welcomed more than 15 students of the Department of Graphic Arts Technology of the University of Western Attica, accompanied by their professors, Dr. Anastasios Politis, Dr. Marios Tsigonias and Antigoni Karamani.
The visit took place within the framework of the University’s multi-faceted and on-going collaboration with ELSET (Hellenic Labelers Association) and the ELLA-DIKA MAS (Partnership of Greek Enterprises, with their premises, production line and ownership in Greece, aiming at the promotion of the modern business and productive culture of our country) initiative, of which forlabels is an active member.
We joyfully responded to the students’ wish to visit forlabels’ premises, something which had been requested during a previous visit of Mr. Avgerinos Chatzichrisos (forlabels CEO) to the University of Western Attica in the framework of the cooperation between the two bodies.
With the invaluable input of our executives, we carried out an educational tour of the industrial environment and the individual stages of the production process of packaging applications. The male and female students (among whom a number of Erasmus students from Germany), got to know the way forlabels functions and discovered the packaging process from scratch.
On the occasion of this visit, we underline the indisputable value of realistically connecting the academic training of students with practice and the labor market. We aim at investing in a literally better future, showing, in practice, our belief in the power and creativity of youth.